I bumped into the Physics World website again the other day. As you are doubtless aware, it’s a digital and printed magazine produced by the UK Institute of Physics. The latter is also known as the IOP. It’s the “professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland”. There’s various articles giving news about physics:
Screenshot of Physics World 30th April 2024
The picture of the circuit board refers to an article by Tim Wogan called Bolometer measures state of superconducting qubit. A bolometer is a device that measures radiant heat. The article says the signal in the bolometer is higher for a ground-state qubit, and lower for an excited-state qubit. It also says “a very fast and very sensitive bolometer is needed to measure the quantum state before it decays”. That tells you something important about quantum computing. On top of that it says the team used a graphene bolometer but it degraded over time. That tells you something important about the “wonder material” graphene. Apparently you can buy a car-wax bottle of graphene nano spray coating for £19.99 on eBay. However you still can’t buy a quantum computer at PC World, and since there is no quantum entanglement, you never ever will. Of course the quantum news is always optimistic. See for example Australia signs deal worth almost $1b with PsiQuantum for world’s first ‘useful’ quantum computer. But trust me, it’s never going to happen.
Astronomers versus activists: the battle over San Diego’s streetlights
Next there’s a historical article by Robert P Crease called Astronomers versus activists: the battle over San Diego’s streetlights. Crease tells us that in 1983 San Diego City Council voted to replace their dim yellow low-pressure sodium (LPS) streetlamps with bright white high-pressure sodium (HPS) streetlamps. The idea was to “brighten streets and reduce crime”. However the astronomers at the world-famous Palomar Observatory were appalled, saying “light pollution would blind their instrument”. They could filter out the 589nm LPS light, but not the broad-spectrum HPS light. Their appeals were listened to, because in 1984 the council reversed its decision. However the matter was not settled. Crease quotes letters sent to the San Diego Union-Tribune. One said “Little that is done in astronomy anywhere is of any practical importance”. Another said there was “no reason whatever to inconvenience literally millions of people in Southern California so some fool astronomer can play with this particular toy”. Ten years after the initial vote, the council reversed its decision again, and decided to install the HPS lamps. It’s a sad story, wherein facts and logic “were not the only motivating concerns of the San Diego citizens”. I would hazard a guess that this applies to a lot of other citizens too. And not just in San Diego.
Laser light makes a material magnetic
I liked reading Laser light makes a material magnetic by Isabelle Dumé. She tells us how Stefano Bonetti and Ca’ Foscari applied circularly polarized laser light, resonant with the atomic oscillations of strontium titanate, to induce a magnetic moment. She said “the researchers were encouraged in their thinking by theoretical research, which predicted that atoms moving in circular patterns could indeed induce magnetization in almost any material”. She also said the induced magnetic moments were 10,000 times larger than predicted, and there were applications in magnetic data storage technologies. This is good stuff. It’s optical computing, which has sadly been overshadowed by quantum computing, and it’s in the magnetism and spin section for a reason:
Figure 1 from Terahertz electric-field-driven dynamical multiferroicity in SrTiO3
That’s because a magnetic field is a “rotor” field, which is why we use the word rot. See the Wikipedia curl article. I don’t know if you know, but electromagnetism can be likened to twist and turn, and charged particles go round and in a uniform magnetic field due to Larmor precession. On the downside the “dynamic multiferroicity” only occurs whilst the laser is active, and I wasn’t so keen on the bit that said “laser light can induce quantum behaviour”. It isn’t quantum behaviour, it’s electromagnetic behaviour, which many science journalists don’t seem to know about. But still, I liked it. See the Nature paper Terahertz electric-field-driven dynamical multiferroicity in SrTiO3.
Search for tiny black holes puts tighter constraints on quantum gravity
I did not like Search for tiny black holes puts tighter constraints on quantum gravity by Sam Jarman. That’s because there are no tiny black holes, and there is no quantum gravity. I say this with confidence because I know that messenger particles are not real, and having read the Einstein digital papers, I know how gravity works. I also know a thing or two about black holes. Hence I am not impressed by this: “New observations of the flavour composition of atmospheric neutrinos have revealed no conclusive evidence for the minuscule, short-lived black holes that have been predicted by some theories of quantum gravity”. This is typical quantum bullshit. Developing a viable theory of quantum gravity is not “one of the greatest challenges in physics”. It’s a total waste of time, because a gravitational field is a place where light curves because there’s a vertical gradient in the speed of light. The notion that gravitons are flying around is moonshine. So is the notion that light curves because it follows the curvature of spacetime. So is the notion that virtual black holes are short lived black holes. Virtual particles only exist in the mathematics of the model. Hence “if they really exist, researchers predict that they should interact with neutrinos” cuts no ice. Especially when the research was done by the Ice Cube collaboration at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. That’s where the BICEP2 experiment was located. The BICEP2 guys claimed that they’d discovered the first real evidence of the quantum nature of the gravitational field, but it turned out to be quantum bullshit. Speaking of which, did you know that neutrinos remaining unperturbed by the environment even after travelling thousands of kilometres, is “a remarkable demonstration of quantum mechanics”? No? No wonder, because that’s yet more quantum bullshit. See the Nature Physics paper Search for decoherence from quantum gravity with atmospheric neutrinos. If you must. I counted 420 names in the Ice Cube collaboration via an Excel sort, and not one of them knows that a neutrino is more like a photon than an electron.
Quantum mechanical wormholes fill gaps in black hole entropy
Things really started going downhill after that. Because the next article was Quantum mechanical wormholes fill gaps in black hole entropy by Martijn Boerkamp. It concerns a paper called Microscopic Origin of the Entropy of Astrophysical Black Holes in Physical Review Letters:
It’s about “a 50-year-old puzzle on the entropy of black holes” and a model that “uses the concept of quantum-mechanical wormholes to count the number of quantum microstates within a black hole”. Even though a black hole is a place where the speed of light is zero, they claim that “an infinite number of possible microstates exists behind a black hole’s event horizon”. And that these microstates are “paradigmatic examples of complex quantum states with chaotic dynamics”. And that “these microstates can slightly overlap via tunnels in space-time known as wormholes”. Woo! Of course, their results agree with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula. What a pity it’s all pants, along with Hawking radiation. Remember the M&S advert? This is not just quantum bullshit. This is black hole quantum bullshit, from the black hole charlatans.
BREAD experiment tracks dark photons to new levels
Next came BREAD experiment tracks dark photons to new levels by Isabelle Dumé again. It’s about “a novel detector designed to search for so-called dark photons”. Dumé tells us that current theories of physics suggest that dark matter makes up roughly 85% of the universe’s mass, so it sounds like she doesn’t know about E=mc² or the dark matter pie, or that photons are massless. As usual she then parrots the assumption that dark matter is made up of particles, even though Einstein said “the energy of the gravitational field shall act gravitatively in the same way as any other kind of energy”.
Image by Scott Wiessinger, see Content of the Universe Pie Chart, thank you NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Wave your hand in front of your face. There’s energy in that space, it has a gravitational effect, and it isn’t made of particles. Dumé then tells us that axions and dark photons “are extremely light and can be converted into visible photons under certain circumstances”. And that the Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection (BREAD) consists of “a cylindrical metal tube that traps and funnels dark photons”. Note how hypothetical particles are presented as factual particles? That is underhand, and it’s been going on for far too long. Of course, the experiment didn’t detect any dark photons, or any axions either. They drew a blank, just as every other dark matter particle detector has drawn a blank. But don’t worry folks, the team described their results as “very promising”. That’s jam-tomorrow promising of course. See First Results from a Broadband Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter in the 44 to 52 μEV range with a Coaxial Dish Antenna.
The new king is quantum
However articles on particles now look to be a rarity. It looks like particle physics has been dethroned, and the new king is quantum, as you can see from the Physics World website. For example we have the quantum-themed escape room, a sneaky catch ‘em young project if ever I saw one:
Then there’s a celebration of World Quantum Day. You know how that works. It’s like when the HR department at work puts up posters and intranet articles about celebrating Transgender Week. It’s not a celebration, it’s propaganda. Then there’s Africa’s quantum future offers a beacon of hope. That’s dated April 1st 2024, and must surely be an April Fool’s joke. Then there’s Entangled entities: Bohr, Einstein and the battle over quantum fundamentals. That’s a review of Quantum Drama: From the Bohr-Einstein Debate to the Riddle of Entanglement by Jim Baggott and John Heilbron. Apparently they say “there remains a tribe of heterodox hold-outs, however, cleaving to the conviction that science must speak of a fundamental reality”. Grrr. There’s also giant quantum tornado behaves like a black hole in miniature, getting closer to measuring quantum gravity, entangled photons enhance adaptive optical imaging, and simulations of time travel send quantum metrology back to the future. Not to mention why error correction is quantum computing’s defining challenge and looking for dark matter differently. The latter is all about detecting dark matter using quantum sensors. Talk about bullshit squared. Then we’ve got the quantum plumbers, quantum careers and the quantum winter. The quantum winter article is by James McKenzie, who says “A recent fall in global private investment in quantum technology has led to suggestions that the sector is heading for a downturn”. He also says you shouldn’t be worried about it. But trust me, if you’re in that sector, you should be. Because quantum entanglement is scientific fraud and all the rest is hype.
The IOP is calling for a Britain powered by physics
It doesn’t make for comfortable reading, particularly if you’ve also read Elizabeth Chamberlain’s IOP article UK general election: the IOP is calling for a Britain powered by physics. The IOP have a vision of a Britain powered by physics. They’re calling for a radical increase in research and development spending from 2.4% of GDP to over 3%. That’s what we spend on defence, and we get a lot less bang for our buck on that than other countries do. The trouble is that we get even less bang for our buck from the R&D spending. It’s a whole lot of buck, and no bang at all. No, it’s worse than that, it’s a negative bang for the buck. For example, particle physicists wasted thousands of man years on hypothetical particles like axions, saxions, axinos, preons, and WIMPs. They proposed these hypothetical particles even though they don’t know what the photon is, or how pair production works, or what the electron is. Hence they don’t understand that the electron’s mass is a measure of resistance to change-in-motion for a wave in a closed path, or that charge is what you get when you wrap a sinusoidal field-variation into an all-round standing field. Hence they came up with a theory about cosmic treacle and color charge, and then “discovered” what they needed to persuade the public that it was all worthwhile. Only it wasn’t. All that R&D was worse than useless, because the people peddling the bad-science propaganda also censored the good science. Like the electron papers that tell you about mass and charge and point the way to everything else. And who is doing the peddling? The people at Physics World amongst others, including universities and journals. Imagine a world where the BBC was the only TV channel, and had been for decades. We pay through the nose for their propaganda and censorship and fatcat salaries, whilst they think of themselves as oh so superior. That’s our Physics World. Perhaps they think of themselves as the master race. Perhaps that’s why there are no recent articles about antisemitism or Jews on their websites. Perhaps that’s why they tacitly encourage the Nazis on their campuses:
Image from Fox News political cartoons dated 30th April 2024
I don’t know for sure. But what I do know for sure, dear Labour Party, is that if you really want to see a Britain powered by physics, you need to stop giving money to very people who peddle the bad-science propaganda and censor the good science. Stop giving money to the vested interests standing in the way of scientific progress. Win win.
Edit 02/05/2024: Physics World’s latest serving of quantum propaganda is Schrödinger’s cat makes a better qubit in critical regime by PhD student Jessica Tucker. It is dripping with quantum buzzwords, and uses Schrödinger’s cat to promote quantum superposition. Even though Schrödinger used his cat to demonstrate the absurdity of quantum superposition. There’s also Quantum Machines’ processor-based approach for quantum control, which is a thin slice of quantum spam.
So you are a gaza genicide denier, aren’t ya?!
Atleast that becones more clear now.
Shame on you!
There are many many jews among those allegedly “violent” protesters, btw.
The real violence (be it police brutality or non-academics wearing white -hoods- masks attacking with skunk odor and other nastiness) comes from the oppisite side!
Very dissappointing….
The Israeli army are not committing genocide. They’ve done everything they can to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, with knocks, phone calls, and other warnings. Even though the people of Gaza dance in the streets when their terrorists parade dead Israelis on the back of their pickup trucks. Usually naked and raped. It isn’t the Jews who march through our streets calling for an entire country full of people to be wiped off the face of the Earth, now is it? It’s the socialists. A hundred years ago they were called national socialists. Now they’re called international socialists. The difference doesn’t matter much, because they’re still Nazis. They shriek with rage and violence when they don’t get their own way, usually wearing masks. They aren’t calling for the hostages to be released. They’re calling for Jews to be murdered en masse. From the river to the sea. This is what they’re calling for, this is genocide:

I am APPALLED, beyond believe, tbh.
For a long time I deemed you a critical, scrupulous thinker; even when you made that awkward pitch of “bird-morality vs. mammal morality” (being sickened by mice (?) eating brains of jouvenile birds? — you should take a look, btw. at how Pelicans swallow large prey whole, or how Giant Petrels (among others?) eat penguins (alive!) inside out; from the one opening that is most vulnerable); it was a very scanted take, but I could still see some blurred moral compass (a bit off, but still working) shining through that skewedness.
… but not anymore.
To defend the NAZIS OF OUR TIME (Viktor Klemperer (read his notebooks, or his LTI, ch. XXII. “Zion”) – even during (!) the holocaust – was APPALED by zionism, the ideological SIBLING of nazism — even though he himself was facing the outlook of being murdered by the nazis himself), is just sickening; completely and UTTERLY sickening!
You are not just on the wrong side of history, there, your wrong-sidedness is on par with any international nazi-apologist during the 1930s, tbh. (or even later!). And they didn’t even have social media during that time period…
The relative number of women and children being killed, the number of journalists (and their entire families!) being killed (record breaking, both in relativ and absolute numbers!) during this so called “war” (it’s just a civilian slaughter!), and their entire cultural elite (like artists) and leaders and all; the extend of civilian infrastucture being devestated [, that is: directly targeted] (hospitals, mosques, schools, water facilities, electricity, E-VE-RY-THING that can sustain civilian life!!!… ffs.: just take a look at those sides, that allow you to slide side to side the before-and-after satelite images of the region!), the genocidal LANGUAGE of that fascist government of Israel, and everything even before this, that gives food for thought of what an aweful, dehumanizing apartheit-regime that country has unfolded over the palestinian people…. (and they call that “democratic”? – tf.?!?)
— and lets not forget about the habit of taking thousands upon thousands of hostages each year (without trial, for years, even decades; beaten and terrorized and tortured!), while they cry to the high heavens for even a single one of their own being taken hostage! — allthewhile: compare the state that these hostages are in, after release; it speaks VOLUMES; how well even Hamas treats theirs (even during the siege, when resources get scare!), vs. how dastardly Israel behaves on their end! — heck: just looking how they treat their OWN countrymen waving white flags, when returning, is — beyond words! (“hannibal doctrine”, though, may help putting words to those crimes…)
To see all that, and still regurgitate the lies, that the IDF was doing “everything in their power” to minimalize civilian casualties (how extreme can civilian casualties get, before you consider, that they were not “accidents”, but the actual targets???)… is… again… I am at a loss of words here, tbh.
you’ve gotta have a really sick mind to look at all that and think: “nah! -everything is fine! – they are all just a bunch of terrorists, anyway, even as infants! – and no olive tree shall see the light of day, until even their most remote cousin was killed!”.
This campaign has nothing to do with military operations aimed at disarming your enemy, and everything to do with killing or terrorizing an entire populace (including starving them to death, by withholding food; or withholding medicine, also, for as long as you have to until they succumb to disease, sicked, weakened, by your campaign), until they are either dead, or as good as dead (because they have nothing left to sustain life), or flee for their lives (like during the Nakba = “Shoa” = “Catastrophe”).
You lost any and all sympathy I had for you, by me.
And I am even starting to question, how corrupted your means of critical thinking may be, even when wandering your most beloved fields of interest, when they show to be so utterly rotten when commenting on gaza!
Your moral compass does not just seem broken; it seems backwards.
There are so, so many more issues I could raise, with the level of barbarism, that the IDF employs against the Palestinians (btw.: ever heard of Hannibal-doctrine? – huh?), that I could literally write for days; though fatigue, both physically and mentally, would, sooner or later, put an end to that, and I would lose my train of thought.
Again: many of the so called “anti-semites” that are being arrested at those college protests (a direct throwback to anti-vietnam protests!), are THEMSELVES Jews!
– and even beyond that, there are many many Jews, who resent the notion, that “antisemite” is being thrown around to dehumanize (!) critical voices against the fascist, apartheit government of Israel, and the genocidal zionist campaign against the palestinians!
“The biggest insult to the memory of the holocaust is not denying it but using it as an excuse to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people.” (Norman Finkelstein)
These things are crimes against humanity, of the utmost proportions.
I may be done with you.
I am APPALLED, beyond believe, tbh.
For a long time I deemed you a critical, scrupulous thinker; even when you made that awkward pitch of “bird-morality vs. mammal morality” (being sickened by mice (?) eating brains of jouvenile birds? — you should take a look, btw. at how Pelicans swallow large prey whole, or how Giant Petrels (among others?) eat penguins (alive!) inside out; from the one opening that is most vulnerable); it was a very scanted take, but I could still see some blurred moral compass (a bit off, but still working) shining through that skewedness.
… but not anymore.
To defend the NAZIS OF OUR TIME (Viktor Klemperer (read his notebooks, or his LTI, ch. XXII. “Zion”) – even during (!) the holocaust – was APPALED by zionism, the ideological SIBLING of nazism — even though he himself was facing the outlook of being murdered by the nazis himself), is just sickening; completely and UTTERLY sickening!
You are not just on the wrong side of history, there, your wrong-sidedness is on par with any international nazi-apologist during the 1930s, tbh. (or even later!). And they didn’t even have social media during that time period…
The relative number of women and children being killed, the number of journalists (and their entire families!) being killed (record breaking, both in relativ and absolute numbers!) during this so called “war” (it’s just a civilian slaughter!), and their entire cultural elite (like artists) and leaders and all; the extend of civilian infrastucture being devestated [, that is: directly targeted] (hospitals, mosques, schools, water facilities, electricity, E-VE-RY-THING that can sustain civilian life!!!… ffs.: just take a look at those sides, that allow you to slide side to side the before-and-after satelite images of the region!), the genocidal LANGUAGE of that fascist government of Israel, and everything even before this, that gives food for thought of what an aweful, dehumanizing apartheit-regime that country has unfolded over the palestinian people…. (and they call that “democratic”? – tf.?!?)
— and lets not forget about the habit of taking thousands upon thousands of hostages each year (without trial, for years, even decades; beaten and terrorized and tortured!), while they cry to the high heavens for even a single one of their own being taken hostage! — allthewhile: compare the state that these hostages are in, after release; it speaks VOLUMES; how well even Hamas treats theirs (even during the siege, when resources get scare!), vs. how dastardly Israel behaves on their end! — heck: just looking how they treat their OWN countrymen waving white flags, when returning, is — beyond words! (“hannibal doctrine”, though, may help putting words to those crimes…)
To see all that, and still regurgitate the lies, that the IDF was doing “everything in their power” to minimalize civilian casualties (how extreme can civilian casualties get, before you consider, that they were not “accidents”, but the actual targets???)… is… again… I am at a loss of words here, tbh.
you’ve gotta have a really sick mind to look at all that and think: “nah! -everything is fine! – they are all just a bunch of terrorists, anyway, even as infants! – and no olive tree shall see the light of day, until even their most remote cousin was killed!”.
This campaign has nothing to do with military operations aimed at disarming your enemy, and everything to do with killing or terrorizing an entire populace (including starving them to death, by withholding food; or withholding medicine, also, for as long as you have to until they succumb to disease, sicked, weakened, by your campaign), until they are either dead, or as good as dead (because they have nothing left to sustain life), or flee for their lives (like during the Nakba = “Shoa” = “Catastrophe”).
You lost any and all sympathy I had for you, by me.
And I am even starting to question, how corrupted your means of critical thinking may be, even when wandering your most beloved fields of interest, when they show to be so utterly rotten when commenting on gaza!
Your moral compass does not just seem broken; it seems backwards.
There are so, so many more issues I could raise, with the level of barbarism, that the IDF employs against the Palestinians (btw.: ever heard of Hannibal-doctrine? – huh?), that I could literally write for days; though fatigue, both physically and mentally, would, sooner or later, put an end to that, and I would lose my train of thought.
Again: many of the so called “anti-semites” that are being arrested at those college protests (a direct throwback to anti-vietnam protests!), are THEMSELVES Jews!
– and even beyond that, there are many many Jews, who resent the notion, that “antisemite” is being thrown around to dehumanize (!) critical voices against the fascist, apartheit government of Israel, and the genocidal zionist campaign against the palestinians!
“The biggest insult to the memory of the holocaust is not denying it but using it as an excuse to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people.” (Norman Finkelstein)
Oh, and btw.: The Gaza concentration camp [i] and the uprising in the Warshaw Ghetto look eerily similar, to anyone who has a real conscience and the historical knowledge to back that up.
[let’s see, if this got purposevully blocked the first time around, or if it was just randomly lost to the internet aether…]
These things are crimes against humanity, of the utmost proportions.
I may be done with you.
– – – – –
i) … and the Hamas which arose from that; an organization which, btw., was aided by israel money, and was purely humanitarian in the beginning, before their members radicalized, in the face of dehumanizing crimes against humanity (by israel vs. their [palestinian] Apartheit enclave/ghetto/concentration-camp)
I’m appalled that the Palestinians murdered 1200 civilians, and still have those hostages, and yet people like you bay for genocide against the victims. Whilst Physics World look the other way, and their friends in the university magisterium peddle the myth that all the antisemitism on campus is OK because they believe in free speech. When they don’t. When they’re the same people who censor every electron paper, because those papers explain charge and mass, and so demonstrate that the Standard model’s color charge and Higgs sector are wrong. They’ve been engaging in propaganda and censorship for decades, in physics, climate change, wokery, you name it. Now it’s all spilling out into the world at large. Now we are finally seeing them for the undemocratic “master race” they think they are. Don’t give me the Gaza concentration camp crap. The Palestinians danced in the streets at the sight of raped and murdered Israeli women. The Israelis are not the Nazis. The terrorists are, along with the people who support them. People like you.
See UCLA finally asks for FBI help – but to investigate pro-Israel supporters. Universities are now actively encouraging antisemitic demonstrations, pretending it’s nothing to do with them, and calling for two-tier law enforcement similar to what we’ve been seeing in London. I’m with Danny Cohen, who writes articles in the Telegraph like this: We must fight this creeping anti-Semitism and this: The BBC is hiding the toxic truth about anti-Israel protests. Also see this Telegraph article: Cambridge won’t move pro-Palestinian protesters as PM warns over anti-Semitism. It includes this: “In Oxford, protesters have set up tents on the lawn of the university’s Pitt Rivers Museum and say they will not leave until the university meets their demands. To join the camp, demonstrators must sign up to a demand that millions of Palestinians be allowed to take back their ancestral land in Israel”. It’s as we saw when Elise Stefanik challenged Liz Magill, Claudine Gay, and Sally Kornbluth about whether it was OK to call for antisemitic genocide on campus. The answer is clearly yes. This is absolutely shameful.
UCLA by some numbers :
1. 44,500.00+ size study body
2. 200 approximate rioters
3. 44 arrested
Of course everyone’s first knee-jerk reaction is to just have the police immediately bulldoze their way into the crowd and bust heads first and foremost. NOT a very controlled, professional manner to deal with campus protests. The law needs to be adhered to by all sides.
Now with that said, it’s very obvious that large amounts of coordinated cash and supplies are being supplied by outside groups. Yes, I do mean Hamas and Iran, ect…….
The greater point I’m making is that the protests were planned and financed for quite awhile, therefore the insuing investigations need to take time as well.
Fair enough Greg. IMHO the point to note is that if you and your student friends started a campus protest calling for the genocide of African Americans, or Muslims, or Trans people, or some other minority other than Jews, the university presidents / vice chancellors would be screaming blue murder, and demanding that the police bulldoze their way into the crowd and bust heads. Then the police would cart you away, and you would not be getting let off with a slap on the wrist. Don’t forget that smirk from Liz Magill:
People like her are complicit in these “protests”. A hundred years ago the Nazis fucked up physics, then they fucked up the world. Now it’s happening again. The university presidents / vice-chancellors claim they’re merely permitting free speech, when they’re not. These are the academics for whom scientific censorship and no-platforming is a way of life. They sneer at free speech. And for some weird reason they dislike Israel and Jews. There are no protests about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Or about October 7th. Or about the Sudanese civil war. Just about the Israelis defending themselves against terrorists. It is a disgrace.
Hey Boss, I really enjoyed the new graphics and the section on optical memory. My news feeds are constantly bombarded by all of the exact same clickbait articles. According to all of them we live in the greatest new age of constant new miracles ever…….I long for the good ol’ days when proper physics media covered proper subjects such as racing horses.
Also to C G : be carefully of what you wish for Pilgrim……the following song is by the great Jewish Scottish-American Phil Ochs:
“My news feeds are constantly bombarded by all of the exact same clickbait articles”. Yep. It’s all pseudoscience propaganda Greg. There are no new miracles. We had electricity, we had the motor car, we had the jet engine and the internet. More recently we had flat screen TVs, LED lighting, and smartphones. But most things nowadays that are going to change our lives are not going to change them for the better. They are politicial and social things, the sort of things you and I don’t agree about. Plus some things we do agree about, but hey, this is a physics website, so at this juncture I will shut my gob. Time for tea!
I’ve waited until a professional article to appear that better explains my position of taking things slowly . All pro-Hamas protestors have opened up a brandd new World of Shit for themselves.https://www.smartnews.com/p/4680945421839771625?placement=article-preview-social&utm_source=share_android_other&utm_campaign=sn_lid%3A4680945421839771625%7Csn_channel%3Acr_en_us_top&logo=logo_6&share_id=SUiRdD
Also this following song explains what does happen when unprepared/ undertrained show of force is hastily put into play:https://youtu.be/VOFNLQtEWZ8?si=3otdKNkK5bMr1ag8https://youtu.be/VOFNLQtEWZ8?si=3otdKNkK5bMr1ag8
Here’s a better article yet :
An interesting read Greg. Thanks.
Another highly educational read, especially for myself !
I now, officially, throughly detest this women as much as you do Boss !
These people claim to be champions of free speech when it comes to giving free rein to calls for antisemitic genocide. But they aren’t champions of free speech really. Here’s another article on the subject: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/columbia-university-s-minouche-shafik-showed-her-true-colors-when-she-voted-on-campus-free-speech/ar-BB1mmkEw?ocid=BingNewsSerp
Its a small start in the correct direction, but is probably too little, too late ?
Good one Greg. That was an interesting read, many thanks. I note that the three-day meeting was “the International Conference on Reproducibility in Condensed Matter Physics”. I look forward to similar meetings covering similar issues in other fields of physics.
I’m suddenly in the mood for a happy , upbeat tune….
It’s shameful Greg. A travesty. An international disgrace. But that’s what happens with open borders. Import the third world, become the third world. Become a banana republic. Full of crime, corruption, kangaroo courts, and rigged elections. So much so, that now your very country is under threat. Succession is coming. Then civil war. Then World War III. Here’s a movie for your further amusement.
” Those who forget the past are are doomed to repeat it ! “- Georges Santayana
In 2016 Mango Twittler shouted from the rooftops that the election was rigged against him, but he assumed wrong and actually won ! It’s a big part of his modus operandi you know to predict outcomes : he really is such a predictable narcissistic sociopath. He’s intentionally quoted Hitler at least three times over the last several months. Yes, threats of civil war based onwhite power is the only play he has left to hang onto power.
Have you ever been to Gettysburg National Battlefield/ Cemetery Boss? Surely you’ve read Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address at least once ? Trust me me, nobody in Trump World will be willing to fall on their swords for him, they themselves are too chickenshit to follow thru. It’s all talk for political show.
I love sci-fi and military novels as much as anyone, but real history happens to be a bigger passion of mine. As far as apocalypses go in Vespucciland, weather events are currently wrecking more domestic terror via Mother Nature. Trust me , we live on the edge of Tonado Alley. The Earth is busy purging we humans faster than we are killing ourselves.
Hey Boss, this is the fourth different article on the same subject. So I humbly request your valued opion. Since this DARPAS Super Duper Quantum Ray Guñ, is mostly Standard Model based, it can’t be scientifically possible ,can it ? If it is possible, then I want one !
Here’s my valued opinion Greg: oh for fuck’s sake. now I’ve heard it all. A quantum fucking laser. What a load of quantum bullshit that is. Jersus H Christ!
Hey, at least this ” research project” does make for great comedic reading.
Unfortunately the most serious facts of the article are the tremendous waste of Government money, attention, personnel on this ” research project “.
Hey Boss, this article is much more promising. As usual they too are trying describe their results via the S.M.. What thinks you John ???
Prof sezme at urip? Consume mass quantities I’m sure. Any stooge fans listening?
Larry,Curly,Moe&Shemp : Hell Yea !
Iggy, not so much….
It would greatly help to pour myself more coffee and then post said article……
“I don’t understand why they can’t use A.I. to design a room temperature A.I. based dual quantum entangled Quantum computer to mathematically calculate if this would be possible ” (the ghost of Will Rogers)
https://www.forbes.com/sites/tiriasresearch/2024/06/24/ibm-develops-the-ai-quantum-link/ (originally posted in wrong PD article)
Another amazing article from across the pond. It belongs in Physics World home page. https://www.onlinephysics.co.uk/modern-physics-formulas-higgs-boson-mass-formula
It’s Emperor’s New Clothes, Parish. Smoke and mirrors. Bullshit and handwaving. You will know this once you understand that the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. Have a read of https://physicsdetective.com/the-mystery-of-mass-is-a-myth/ and follow the links. Photon energy or photon momentum is a measure of resistance to change-in-motion for a wave moving linearly at c. Electron mass is resistance to change-in-motion for a wave going around and around at c. That’s it. It’s as simple as that.
I get too sarcastic when I indulge in Tennessee whiskey. I’m well aware that everything is just a form of energy. What is the significance of C squared? Just a random number like 137? ” I’m not fond of numbers; there’s like too many of them”
Some applied science for you John. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-48880-3
Thank you Parish. I looked up electron transfer to make sure I was thinking about the right thing. I learn something new every day. I didn’t know you could copper-plate steel wool by dipping it in a copper sulphate solution:
The Nature article talked about “Understanding the electron transfer process” and said “These results reveal that near-ultraviolet photoexcitation induces an electron transfer”. As far as I can tell, an electron is a 511keV photon in a closed path. Interaction with a photon strips off a part of the photon, which is applied to the electron in an asymmetrical fashion. As a result, the electron moves.